Much is still unknown about dolphins, whales and seals, but we will strive constantly to document and learn.
We are committed to sharing this knowledge with as many people as possible. In doing so, we hope that others will embrace our belief that caring about marine mammals is simply the right thing to do.
At Project Jonah we believe that if people understand marine mammals they will respect them, and if they respect them they will be less likely to cause them harm.
At Project Jonah we believe that if people understand marine mammals they will respect them, and if they respect them they will be less likely to cause them harm.
Education is fundamental to building understanding. Because of this, we work constantly to raise awareness of marine mammals, their unique qualities and the threats that they face.
By working alongside local communities, schools and iwi we are actively shaping attitudes and changing beliefs. By educating New Zealanders we’re investing in a more compassionate future and helping to protect these animals and the oceans they call home.